Episode Ten
Michael Turek
The British-American photographer Michael Turek returns to his roots in the Yorkshire Dales, discussing the influences that shape his work, and the nature of a long-term photographer-writer collaboration.
Released 26.05.23
The Conversation
In this episode, Sophy and Michael discuss his influences as a fine art photographer, speaking together in the Yorkshire Dales, where Michael grew up. They talk about their various collaborations, with travels ranging from Tajikistan to Iraq and Siberia.
Michael describes his attachment to the Yorkshire landscape — the layers of memory imprinted on the hillscapes, and his fear of the dark. They discuss the impossibility of perfection and the meaning of home.
We learn how Michael’s eye has evolved, when his photography journey began, and how the relationship between subject and photographer is crucial to each image. They finish with Michael’s kit list — and a quick tutorial on how to achieve the perfect hairstyle on the road.
Michael’s photographic monograph, Siberia, is published by Damiani.
Books Discussed:
Michael Turek, Siberia
Michael Turek, Contrail
J.B. Priestley, English Journey
George Orwell, 1984
Dylan Thomas, The Collected Letters
You can order these books from John Sandoe Books here.